Hello! I'm CaraHelloHello! I'm CaraH
Hello! I'm Cara
I am an independent specialist in Special Care Dentistry and an expert in children's dentistry.
I provide my knowledge to clinical issues and in education within special care dentistry, children's dentistry and stress management.
Special Care Dentistry provides preventive and treatment oral care services for people who are unable to accept routine dental care because of physical, intellectual, medical, emotional, sensory, mental or social impairment, or a combination of these factors. Special Care Dentistry is concerned with the improvement of oral health of individuals and groups in society who fall within these categories. It requires a holistic approach that is specialist lead in order to meet the complex requirements of people with impairments.
Dr Cara Ball
GDC Registration Number:
Current roles
University of Plymouth. Peninsula School of Dentistry;
Teaching in plenaries and workshops; mainly on aspects of Special Care Dentistry, gerodontology, paediatric dentistry, prevention, in the areas of consent and the Mental Capacity Act, radiography, trauma, practice workshops for DF1 interviews, virtual patient Y4, orthodontic workshop.
Small group facilitator for Y1 dental and dental therapy students in the ‘Enquiry Based Learning' sessions
Small group facilitator for Y2 & 3 dental students in the ‘Enquiry Based Learning' sessions
Small group facilitator for Y4 dental students in the ‘Daybook’ sessions (10 full days per year)
Independent Specialist in Special Care Dentistry;
Working with care homes to provide interactive training to care staff in oral care for dependent service users.
Providing information to care homes to ensure they are CQC compliant regarding their provisions and training and care plans for residents for oral care.
Providing dental education to dental care professionals; this has included;
2 hours education in Dementia Care in General Dental Practice for the whole dental team.
Full day paediatric dentistry; behavioural management and update on minimal treatment options.
Full day special care dentistry; polypharmacy and medical condition in general dental practice.
Continuing Profession Development and Person Development Plan:
All logged and up to date with eGDC
University of Plymouth; all mandatory CPD is up to date
Postgraduate dental educator; other recent courses I have presented include;
Dental Neglect (Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Children Board, Learning Lesson Workshop) on The Isles of Scilly
Paediatric dentistry (SW NHS Education, Cornwall)
Behaviour management of children in the dental surgery (Devon & Cornwall DCP group)
Dental Neglect (Named medical nurses for children in care in Cornwall)
Dental Neglect (Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Children Board, Learning Lesson Workshop) in Cornwall
I am a qualified counsellor in private practice at River Practice Therapy
I practice clinical solution focused hypnotherapy.
NHS domiciliary dentist;
NHS domiciliary dentist providing preventive and treatment oral care services. for people who are unable to accept routine dental care in a dental surgery because of some. physical, intellectual, medical, emotional, sensory, mental or social. impairment, or a combination of these factors. UDA commissioned
MCN Special Care Dentistry and hosing Paediatric Dentistry Southwest Region;
Committee member to represent domiciliary care
Smile Together CIC, West Country Dental Care; Band C Specialist in Special Care Dentistry, Lead of Child Protection and Adults at risk of harm for West Country Dental Care. Based at Truro Health Park.
(NHS Community Dentistry)
I received numerous referrals from GDPs, GMPs, School Nurses, Community Nurses for Adults with a Learning Disability, Hospital Healthcare Providers and other professional bodies. These referrals are for people who find dental treatment in a standard dental environment impossible.
I treated many different types of service user, from paediatric patients, to patients with fear of dental treatment or a dental phobia to patients with mental, physical, sensory or emotional impairments. I treat the patients using a variety of methods including behavioural management, inhalation sedation, hypnotherapy and general anaesthetic.
I examined and treated patients in the dental surgery, and in Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro.
Due to the type of patient I treated I am extremely familiar with the Mental Capacity Act and have organised and lead many Best Interest meeting for adults who have lacked capacity to consent for their treatment.
Other Previous roles
Lecturer in General Dentistry, past Module Lead for Personal and Professional Development (PPD),
Clinical Lead for Exeter Dental Education Facility,
CQC registered manager at Exeter Dental Education Facility
Year 1 Lead (PCMD), Year 3 Lead (PSMD)
Honorary consultant in Special Care Dentistry for Peninsula Dental School, employed by Plymouth University.
Peninsula Dental School is based in primary care. The students treat the patients for whatever treatment is required in a holistic manner.
As a clinical academic I led a paediatric dentistry clinic in Truro Dental Education Facility, where I supervised Year 3 dental students.
I treated patients, who had been referred to me through Peninsula Dental School, who are children or who have a special care need.
In Exeter DEF I was Clinical Lead and CQC registered manager.
In Exeter DEF the Dental Practice Experience was set up to give senior dental students a realistic experience of working in General Dental Practice.
I attended The Teachers Group in Special Care Dentistry at the annual conferences of The British Society for Disability and Oral Health. I also attend the Teachers Group in Paediatric Dentistry at the annual British Society of Paediatric Dentistry.
09/2011- 01/2012
Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Peninsula Dental School, Truro
I was a clinical supervisor at The Peninsula Dental School, Truro with Year 4 and Year 3 dental students.
I was also a case discussion facilitator for Year 3 students.
Senior Dental Officer, Specialist in Special Care Dentistry in Liskeard Community Hospital and Launceston General Hospital, employed by Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Community Health Services.
I received numerous referrals from GDPs, GMPs, School Nurses, and Community Nurses for Adults with a Learning Disability, Hospital Healthcare Providers and other professional bodies. These referrals were for people who find dental treatment in a standard dental environment impossible.
I treated many different types of service user, from paediatric patients, to patients with fear of dental treatment or a dental phobia to patients with mental, physical, sensory or emotional impairments. I treated the patients using a variety of methods including behavioural management, inhalation sedation, hypnosis and general anaesthetic.
I examined and treated patients in the dental surgery, in domiciliary settings and in Royal Cornwall Hospital.
Domiciliary settings included individuals’ homes, residential care homes for adults with a learning disability, specialist care home for individuals with Huntington’s Disease, secure dementia care units in nursing homes and nursing homes for the frail elderly.
Due to the type of patient I treated I am extremely familiar with the Mental Capacity Act and have organised and lead many Best Interest meeting for adults who have lacked capacity to consent for their treatment.
Dentist for Sure Start Lescudjack, Penzance
At Sure Start I was responsible for the dental health of all families registered with this Sure Start scheme (supporting vulnerable families with a child aged 5 or under). The scheme is based in one of the poorest, most deprived areas in Britain and many of the adult patients were or had been substance abusers. Many of these adults and children were exceedingly fearful of dental treatment. There were many barriers to dental care in the target population of children and young adults.
Dual Role Dentist in Newquay Hospital, employed by Cornwall Personal Dental Service.
This role included working with individuals greatly frightened of dental treatment.
Community Dental Officer, City Health Clinic, Peterborough.
This role involved working with children, special care patients and elderly people, mainly from the Pakistani community, asylum seekers, economically deprived individuals and dental phobic or highly anxious adults and children.
Much of the care I proved to elderly patients was in a domiciliary setting.
Vocational Dental Practitioner, 157 Dental Group, Broadway, Peterborough.
General Professional Training at Newcastle Dental School.
Up to 2023
PG Certificate in Clinical Education
Plymouth University, Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry
Master of Science Degree in Community Dental Practice (with merit)
King's College London; University of London
1997-2018 Postgraduate training and qualifications
-Diploma in Clinical and Academic Hypnosis
-SAAD training in Conscious Sedation
-Diploma in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
-Registered Thrive consultant​
1992-1997 Bachelor in Dental Surgery (BDS with honours)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Clinical Dentistry
Special Care Dentistry
Older people
Consent and capacity
Childrens' Dentistry
Dental neglect
Professional stress management
Professional Memberships
British Dental Association
British Society for Disability and Oral Health
British Gerodontology Society
British Society of Paediatric Dentistry
British Society for Clinical and Academic Hypnosis
Fellow Higher Education Authority
Association of Dental Education in Europe
British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
National Council of Hypnotherapy
Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy